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Why You Should Also Make Money in Forex?
By Rupesh Karane
You are constantly hearing about ways to make form home and you already know 99% of these claims are either bogus or scams. Is there any legitimate business which can really help you to make money fast and easy? Is there any business which can help you to make real big money? The single answer to all these questions is FOREX.
Forex is real good business. You can make a lot of money in forex right from your home.
How much you can earn in forex?
That�s up to you. The earning potential is limitless in forex.
You can make money fast and easily in forex.Forex is foreign exchange market. It involves buying and selling of currencies.
People from all walks of life are trading forex. You don�t have to a financial geek to trade forex. Anybody can trade forex. It�s very simple.
And you don�t have to put a lot of money as investment; you can start with as little as possible.
But when you look out for training course to learn forex then you will come across by courses raging from $300 to $5000. This discourages many people from learning forex.
To overcome this problem we have developed a free course to teach forex in simple manner. []
Click here for free forex course.
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Some Quick Forex Information
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Every trader should find his/her method/system which suits his/her own situation and personality. And that system/method must be the one that has proven to be able to make some money through trials. So, if Tom, the medium-term trader, revealed his money making method of last three decades, it may not have the same effect for Dick and Harry, the day traders, and vice versa. Agree that most fail for lack of system/method and/or lack of discipline to follow through.
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I use very primitive Forex charting methods. Please read 8 hour charts of EUR/GBP with 20 and 40 MA, and read round figures and breakout (from consolidations, then you will realize the method cannot be more primitive than that, but still deadly effective). Buy on dips towards the support and add up on breakout of that consolidation treating the two as one trade with same stop loss and "keep them" as long as the market moves in your way.
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A pip is the smallest unit of price for any currency. Most currency pairs consist of five digits and most pairs have the decimal point immediately after the first digit, EUR/USD 1.2855. In this case a single pip equals the smallest change in the fourth decimal place example EUR/USD 1.2856 - 1.2855 equals to 0.0001 pip.
foreign exchange students
When you are trading and investing in any market, including the Forex, you must have the discipline needed to be successful. Although the system is enormous and there is a lot going on that you won't be involved within, you must actively protect your investments. Your investments will not be protected just because they are in the market. A lot can change throughout a day, so you have to always be aware of what is going on in order to be fully protected to your best ability. You should always make logical and researched decisions when trading. It is not a system to use to "get rich quick". It is a serious financial system that can break your pocket if you are not careful.
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Mon, 07 Apr 2008 13:51:14 EDT
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